if so he would have put her entire discography on iTunes, Apple Music, Spotify, and suchlike years back. 😉


“Wait till you see the numbers next Tuesday and you’re gonna be shocked” left me speechless. Keeping people in suspense with breezy lines that sound like “Stay tuned” doesn’t make him a good reality show host. 🙄


A Doug Ford press conference is no more than an announcement that he might make an announcement about a further announcement. No plan, no action. Everything is delayed for a week and another and yet another.

So they're not worried at all that the events would turn out to be a fiasco? I'm not a fan of the Olympics, either; I'm looking forward to seeing how it will unfold, though. 🤔


How is Japan doing? Are the Olympics likely to happen regardless?


They are being so effective that I can roll my eyes hard all the way back to see my brain. And the amount of vaccines taken out of their refrigerators every day is on a par with that of the milk taken out of mine. 🙄


If I were in Wuhan now I guess my door would be welded shut by local authorities so I wouldn't be able to go out any more. But in Canada, you know, everything about the pandemic reeks of half measures, including the so-called province-wide lockdown… Just enjoying our lives to the full within public health guidelines… I wear a face mask + a face shield wherever I go :-)

my coworkers in Beijing, China say they’re undergoing “harsh weather conditions” with temperatures heading down to -22°C at night and -15°C in the daytime. But here in Hamilton it’s about 3°C/-3°C so why should we refrain from taking delight in some Aunt Jean Creams? 😉


Howdy everybody ~ 9c3d8cd5-d191-45a1-a8d5-be52162d5f43