This pricey (CAD$4) lemon-flavored zero-carb crystal coke made in Japan was not so fantastic as expected… ?
Starbucks Reserve™ at Beijing Fun.
The grandiosity is impressive: manual drip coffees and many merch stands (1F), the largest Teavana bar in the world (2F), and wines/brews (3F). This might be the last Starbucks you can wish for a most decent coffee.
I guess you guys must be eagerly awaiting my third album: T.H.E.M. - VOL. 3. For your information,
H.E.R. = Having Everything Revealed;
H.I.M. = HER in Mind;
T.H.E.M. = Trying Hard Eating Macaroons.
Thank you for the undying support!
@larand if you’d been able to find that guy you might’ve done away with him. Just unscrupulous. What advantages would a guy gain by dosing another guy with LSD…
@matigo is it challenging to play your cards right? ? $28/mo sounds like a fairly acceptable amount of overhead.
This playlist is just amazing. While some tracks are somewhat conducive to sleep, others just keep me wide awake at 1:00 a.m. Last night, a deluge of my laudations went to it when some eerie, screeching tunes stirred me from deep sleep.