This is a nation teeming with mysteries. It’s said all vaccines were provided by Japan for free, for all its claim that they were proffered by WHO lest its people become grateful to this all-time foe, before the 2008 Olympics. China got well-known for its ability to squander money on the event at the cost of people’s well being. The Japanese government stopped this provision as soon as they became aware of, or stupefied by, what this lovely neighbour had done. Since then this great nation of all the greatest has been trying to manage and vaccinating children on its own, depriving some of lives and bringing others permanent physical impairment on an annual basis…

My observation ?: it is the overproduction of lethal milk ☠? and substandard vaccines ☠? that has led the authorities to encourage plural children (consumers) in one Chinese family. Homeboys and homegirls, grow wise to the catch in family planning. Reconsider contraceptives ???.

I was not startled by how they defined “micro” back then. I might’ve been led to believe that a computer proper should be something like ENIAC. ?


I spent an hour or two there. Good experience thanks to the rainy weather. Without the storm I might have been asked to wait another hour or two outside before getting in.

wildflowers are definitely a good choice. ?? I’m still pondering where and how large it should be.

I’m just 32 and some of my facial hairs started to turn white. ?


well… because of the letters “av” in “flavored”, which proverbially stands for “adult video(s)” (pornographic video(s)) in Japanese and Chinese cultures. It then triggered the censoring of “sensitive words”. Prudishness is deeply rooted in Chinese culture, so to speak.

Later I changed it to “fla * v * ored” and got by with these lovely asterisks. ?

I had constantly failed to post this on the timeline of a Chinese social site till I was informed of the reason. Guess why? ?


thankfully no mobile apps have seemed to be underhanded in this way…

yeah… true nightmares never cease… ?