This happy puppy is said to be canoeing this weekend. Wish I could too…


Farewell, ToysЯUs…..


Agreed. My focus was on the math though. I generally hate to hear people complain about basic math. Both blue and white collar jobs necessitate capacities for math. A painter that thinks math has nothing to do with his paintbrushes may end up presenting a self portrait of a guy with seven digits attached to each hand. ?

if they were to feed pigs and chickens they might lose half of them without knowing how many on earth…

my Chinese coworkers told me someone they know had ventured $3,000 and got $45,000 overnight. Their betting kick has begun ever since. ?

I guess I’d just need a social media platform free of World Cup bettors.

austerity ain’t my thing. The built-in Voice Memos lacks a lot of features I’d desire.

38°C or higher here today…

Seeing that Just Press Record is kind of weak in editing sounds, I purchased Audio Memos Pro for $13.99CAD, which has never fluctuated since its launch. So far so good, despite no voice-to-text transcription. The developer is still taking care of it.


tiny plastic bags could be replaced with bubble wrap ?