? I have no problem with that. In fact I don’t remember my own passwords either… Will have to reset it if necessary. ?

of course not. I’m pleased to give it a whirl. ? Using my current username and password?

When you have deleted your account on micro.blog, the mention will be like this…


I thought it would still look like a proper link that redirects to a 404 page. ?

Do we have access to it now? ?

Our ancestors were very Lil Wayne…



why not try XX hours XX minutes ago? I use it for posts created within the last 24 hours.

thumbs up for the full date! I use a similar format on my site too. ??

like in her 20s… well I presumed she was too exhausted… or condemned to that condition by some illness… despite the chaos and the smell, I hope she is all right now…

A girl zonked out on the subway train, leaning against the wall and peeing unconsciously. Then the floor became so slippery that she suddenly fell over… While everyone was trying to wake her up from the “coma”, she came to herself, jumped up, and leaned against that wall again. Staring outside the window, she never looked back till she got off…

has she ever been saddened? She’s happy like forever! ?