Totally understandable. I guess the advantages of your initiative actually outweigh the drawbacks. But I’m still curious why the content of a post totally disappears when it contains the Canadian flag. I thought it would translate into something else rather than sequester every little bit of the post. ?


me: 2, 4, 3, 1, 5 ?

oh… it was the flag that bugged me for a while… didn’t know that. But I did encounter some issues when using the Canadian flag in the past without knowing it was the crux of the matters…


Guess I could only reply in this way….


Could shed light on it? ?

?? I’d be more careful with lists anyway… I use Ulysses too much to make a proper list without the help of the menu… ?

oh it’s strange I can’t reply to your post…


oh… i see ? I done removed the empty lines to reduce the space and it ended up looking weird… ?

It’s generous… ?


btw, may I know why there’s a parabolic blank between the bullets and the listed items? (In my editor they’re neat though) ?