I guess only around 15 get my attention when there’re new episodes coming out. Back in 2008 I even had many episodes on heavy rotation but now there’re literally few worth a repetition.


sending my best thoughts

I’m at 36. Going to halve it.

I trust in your taste in API consistency. I was thinking the other day that the novelty of me using micro.blog might‘ve started to wear off and I kinda felt that their improvement on the current thing was slower than expected. Yes there are ongoing tweaks of some kinds but they are basically not what I care about. Again, $5/mo should be negotiable. ??


just beat it with v5!!


definitely not the worst ☕

What is loneliness? It’s when you’ve ordered takeout pizza online and thus can’t decide between just waiting for the rush delivery and taking a quick shower first.

oh the webmention is amazing! Well… just some rants from a TESOL perspective…

oh that makes sense. Never thought there would be seasonality issues… probably because my outdoor time just slightly fluctuates throughout a year… you know… wintertime elsewhere on the earth is not wintertime proper… ☃

same here… now I’m using micro.blog more as a lightweight editing tool for WordPress posts…